Medicare Supplement Insurance
You've worked hard your entire lifetime. You've paid 1.45 percent of your earnings into FICA – Federal Insurance Contributions Act – which goes to pay Medicare. Your employer has paid another 1.45 percent for your portion. Yet that may not be enough.
What does Medicare cover?
Medicare is one of the most important programs available to senior citizens. But, Medicare does not pay for everything. For example, coverage for certain tests and procedures depends on where you live. And for many people, what Medicare does not cover can cause a severe strain on retirement finances. That's why it's important for you to have a trusted advisor like General Insurance Services.
How does supplemental insurance help?
Medicare supplement insurance is designed to cover the gaps in Medicare, helping to pay many of the expenses Medicare does not pay. When combined with Medicare, Medicare supplement insurance provides a high level of health insurance protection. And at General Insurance Services, we give you the flexibility to choose between different plans to meet your individual needs and budget.
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