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Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Giving You Peace of Mind

Are you prepared for the unexpected? Would you be able to provide for your family if you weren’t around tomorrow? Learn more about the advantages of providing for your loved ones through life insurance from General Insurance Services.

Why do I need life insurance?

Life policies act as a financial safety net to protect family members who have faced loss as the result of death. Life insurance helps lift the burden due to funeral expenses, medical bills, lost income, business investments, etc.

How can we help?

Specialists from our life department will work with you to help you find the appropriate life insurance coverage to give you and your loved one's support and give you peace of mind.

Whole Life

Not all life insurance policies are the same. Whole life insurance is a great way to invest in your future.

What is whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance provides permanent life insurance coverage for as long as you live and continue to make timely premium payments. Upon your death, the insurance payout is made to your designated beneficiaries.

Why do you recommend whole life coverage?

With level premiums and the accumulation of cash values, whole life insurance is a good choice for long-range goals. The guaranteed cash values can provide money later to help with temporary needs oremergencies.

Term Life

Sometimes it's important to have life insurance during a specific time in your life. For example, many couples wish to provide for their children until they turn 18. Term life coverage may be an excellent choice.

Why is it called term life?

Term life insurance provides protection for a stated time, or term.

Why is term life a good choice for me?

Term life insurance could be considered the simplest form of life insurance. It was developed to provide temporary life insurance protection for relatively little cost. Term insurance can be purchased in large amounts for a relatively small initial premium. It is well suited for short-range goals, such as life insurance coverage to pay off a loan, or providing extra life insurance protection during your child-raising years.

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